Steps to create React Native application
First, you have to start your emulator (Android Emulator) and make it live.
Create a directory (ReactNative) in your drive.
Open "Command Prompt" or "Terminal" and go to your ReactNative directory.
Write a command
npx react-native init HelloWorld
to initialize your app "HelloWorld
".Go to your directory location "
" and run the command react-native run-android. It will start Node server and launch your application in a virtual device emulator.
React Native Code Explanation
import React, {Component} from 'react': imports the library and other components from react module and assign then to variable React.
render(): a function that returns a React element.
return(): returns the result of layout and UI components.
View: a container that supports the layout accessibility controls. It is a fundamental component for building the UI.
Text: a React component for displaying text.
style: a property used for styling the components using StyleSheet.
styles: used to design individual components.
const styles = StyleSheet.create({}): The StyleSheet class creates the style object that controls the layout and appearance of components. It is similar to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) used on the Web.